01 abril, 2010

Que casinhas fofas!

I've been having too much fun making this colorful little neighborhood the past couple of days.

So much fun in fact, that I put together a little How-To so that we could all play.

They're really easy. You'll need:
-Tacky glue
-hot glue
-Xacto knife

Using this simple template. . .

. . .I cut my house pieces out of a recycled box.

Then, using a thin layer of glue, I stuck the pieces to fabric. I used one color for the front/back/sides, a contrasting color for the roof, and another color for the door.

Then I cut my pieces out like so.
I snipped of any corners, and made little snips all along the top curve of the door.

Next, I glued the fabric edges down with Tacky glue

Then I cut little X's in the windows to make little foldy-over flaps.

You'll have to snip a little extra off the flap closest to the edge, like so-

All glued and pretty and ready for the next step-

Then I glued little bits of fabric over the inside of the windows.


Next, I hot glued the sides to the back. . .

. . .and then the front.

Finally, I glued on the roof, the little door, and a button for a doorknob. Tah-dah!

Little Housey Goodness!

I played with my template, making bigger and smaller houses and other shapes and styles. Here's another template for you-

The possibilities are endless!

Vi aqui

4 comentários:

Nena disse...

Olá,obrigada por partilhar!
Um beijo,Nena

Kicas disse...

Ultimamente tenho andado à volta do tema da habitação e, queria terminar este tema com a maquete de uma casa. A verdade é que estou fartinha dos meus moldes mas, eis aqui o toque final! A ideia de as forrar com tecido é mesmo fantástica! E uma mamã ofereceu montes de tecidos lindos. Obrigado!

Rosa Rebelo disse...

Que pena só ter encontrado hoje o seu blog! Eu fiz uma casinha na semana anterior e se tivesse tido essas dicas teria sido bem mais fácil!!

Unknown disse...

Adorei suas casinhas.
Obrigada por ensinar.